Student Life
Robert E. Larson
Remember when we started out?
Bread, milk, and cheese the only things on the shopping list For years Remember how our bones started to protrude from our skin As we walked everywhere, burning calories we couldn’t afford Remember when life was a death sentence? Our first bundle of joy came from an emaciated body, Accompanied by hospital bills we had no way to pay Further challenging our ability to eat and pay rent To say nothing of feeding that beautiful new mouth Established couples would look at us and fondly ask remember when? Exclaiming “this doesn’t last forever” For us it was like some freak science project to see how long a family could survive off of $300 a month The light at the end of the tunnel too far away to bring any hope Now a decade later we eat chicken, at least And eat out once per month After careful budgeting Counting pennies as if our lives depend on it But at least we have a steady income as Lives depend on it Someday we’ll reach the light And be able to see what others see Someday we’ll be able to put our Kids in braces and soccer But that day is not today So we continue to count pennies Making them stretch beyond their bounds So we can someday ask fondly Remember when? |