PompeiiKayla Wildman
the place where you fell –
your body made a human-shaped hollow in the falling ash forever * * * man you sat down to die, scrunched up against a wall – so sweet a pose like a little child playing hide and seek * * * four-year-old boy your shoulders’ innocence, your small hands’ curiosity: a little boy well loved, trusting the world to be good... until the end of time * * * woman no undignified running away for you, my dear – you lay on your back, hair coiffed, hands composed, as though even in a coffin of hardening ash, you wanted to be beautiful * * * young toddler girl blasted from your falling mother’s arms, you cried out for her and tried to crawl to her one last time * * * old man in your face a quiet resignation as though you worked hard all your life and now at last, at least, you get to rest * * * young couple loving each other you tried to take refuge in one final, eternal embrace |