How Has it Come to This?Ryker M.
I wake up in the usual way, with that
particular contempt for the cold beyond my covers. I unclench my jaw, this time. I appear to have bitten my tongue. It aches and leaves a tinge of copper in my mouth. I go about my day in the usual way, with that persistent yearning for a coffee. I remember when I used to want breakfast, meals seem so pointless now. It aches and leaves a churning in my stomach. I go about my day in the usual way, with distaste for my coworkers and each task I’m given. I try to remember that raise I’m promised. Though, the promise feels more like a carrot on a stick, dangling indefinitely out of my reach. I try not to think about the bills I have due as my head starts to pound. It aches and I’m so, so, tired. I go to sleep in the usual way, with these tear tracks and shaking breaths. |