Every year, both new and returning editors of The Salal Review thumb through past issues and dream of the next. We wonder, “Who is The Salal Review?”
Like a cuttlefish, the magazine adapts— morphing in shape and color each issue to mirror the creative, transitory expressions of our region's artists—yet maintains its form and identity. A cuttlefish does not change merely to blend in but also to communicate. We share the raw, unfiltered expressions of the artists: works of poetry, prose, painting, sculpture, and others which transcend their respective genres. An editor’s role is to put an order to all of these pieces so that we will arrive at something that honors what we have been, even as something new emerges. Our promise to you is that, at its core, The Salal Review represents its contributors, and no two issues will be the same. This is what gives the magazine its beauty. The theme is determined by the submissions we receive, and without them, there wouldn’t be a magazine. This year’s issue is a representation of a wide range of talents and writings from the pulpy to the experimental. We made the choices, but the artists made the theme: honesty and a willingness to grapple with what makes us human. |